Creating a Business Plan

The business plan is a foundational element before starting a business. It applies to expanding an existing business, adding a new product, a new sales channel, acquiring or merging with another organization: in all these cases, and many more, having a business plan is critical. I say that even adding an expensive piece of machinery, for example, a business plan should be in place before doing so. There are many business plan templates, but as with any template, it is important to know how to effectively fill them in. The quality of a business plan will determine the success of your business.

How to Make a Business Plan

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The following are the key areas that you should have in a business plan. The level of detail in the business plan may vary from business to business, from situation to situation, but the level of detail the one required to properly define the business opportunity and how your proposed company will operate. There is no clear rule here, perhaps this is the first test of the future business owner.

Business Plan Definition.

Company Description

It is important to objectively, simply describe what your company will do. Clarity is important for your partners, for your future customers, for your vendors, for the government and for potential investors. If what you do is not clear, everything else is not clear either.

Comparative Market Analysis

The future business owner needs to answer the following key questions: what is the industry? Who are the competitors? What do they do? How is the market behaving? What are the opportunities to explore? What are the risks? (risk areas and alternative plans should be developed considering different market and business scenarios, so the business owner is prepared ahead of time. More on this later in this document).

comparative market analysis

Organization structure. Startup business plan template

This starts with the ownership structure. It is not a minor consideration, but a very important one. All the partners need to be satisfied with the defined structure and percentage of ownership, including who will the CEO, the COO and other roles. Leaving the organization structure poorly resolved will be a source of ongoing distraction, stress, disagreements and will reduce the overall required energy to make the business succeed.

Once the ownership and key roles are resolved, the organization structure to start and how it will evolve based on the marketing, sales and financial plans needs to be defined. As the business evolves, this organization will evolve and adapt, the key is to ensure the adaption is fast and the organization output is always maximized.

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Products and services.

The description and applicability of the products and services. The specifics of the offering, what makes the company different, why it is relevant to consumers, where it applies, if there are geographical differences are typical considerations. Accordingly, how future customers will be supported and catered. Once a customer is acquired, it becomes important to cater to its needs, to position additional products and services, to ensure all the problems with the product or service are resolved quickly according to the customer expectations (and not only to what the business owner thinks it is necessary). Keeping customers happy is hard work, and it is critical to continuously listen to the customer needs and feedbacks.

Marketing and Sales Model

There are many marketing options and tools to promote the product and services. Carefully selecting the ones that will bring more results, that is, generate more sales and market presence is a huge decision to a new business. It is very easy to spend huge amounts in poor marketing that will not result in sales or acquisition of new customers. Most importantly, promoting the brand is a key element. Building a brand takes time and requires a lot of energy. Accordingly, there are many sales models possible: direct sales, distribution model, sales with partners, complementing existing products or services, focusing on selected industries, with resellers and many others. The business owner needs to select what model to consider (or models, many cases there is a need to go-to-market with few sales models depending on the situation, country, product or service). and keep a key eye in the market and its results. Sales models need to be adjusted and customized as the business evolves and successes and mistakes are made.

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Financial Model

It is important to estimate your revenues and the costs that the business will have. It is not precise initially, but you can use similar businesses, ask for opinions from friends, look for best practices, keep it to the minimum costs. As the sales and marketing model will be developed, there is a direct relationship with the financial model. All costs, plus setup costs, plus other costs and investments will form the necessary starting funds. The pricing levels, discounts, what makes the product or service different needs to be discussed. Setting up pricing, contrary to what people believe, is very difficult. Make it too high, there is no purchase. Make it too low, people consider poor quality or suspicious. Until you can setup your own pricing based on the quality, reputation, uniqueness of your offerings, it will always be neve wracking to some extent. As you setup the pricing, all the discount strategies, volume strategies, geographical participation need to be considered. Regarding costs, keep them to the minimum. Subcontract shared services, keep hiring to the minimum requirements. Ensure any new expense or cost is justified, that is, it will generate some revenue. Remember, in starting a new business, cash is king. And do not forget that sales are not necessarily cash until it is paid – depending on your business, you could have payment terms, and credited into the bank account. Similarly, payments to your vendors are to be negotiated. The difference of receiving terms and payment terms provide an important business leverage, to keep the cash flow positive.

Professor of Atlantis University with an extensive experience managing technical organizations globally.


As mentioned before, it is critical to have the business risks – and how to mitigate them – analyzed prior to starting the business. As the business starts, the market and business scenarios are constantly evaluated and the risks updated. The alternate plans and mitigation plans are important to be considered and agreed by all partners.

Business Plan
Supporting Documents

January 2020

Permits, authorizations, technical documents, approvals, partnership contracts, vendor agreements and other relevant documents are always required to substantiate and support the business. It is important to have a list of all the supporting documents before starting the business. Ensure that they are discussed among the key people within the organization, to ensure alignment.

Final Comments

There are many other considerations to make about the business: metrics, key performance indicators, communication process, vendor management process, working with external investors, product development considerations, service considerations.

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